Chapter 3 Trains and Train Tracks

A couple days later after Taylor finished the books, she learned more about A.S. and a little more about how Bryant communicates.

Taylor: “Hey Mrs. Cole, I was wondering if you have any experience building models?”

Mrs. Cole: “Well Taylor, I do you like to build small things, yes.”

Taylor: “Do you think that I could build a mini toy for Bryant.”

Mrs. Cole: “Of course you can!

Taylor: “Okay, thank you Mrs. Cole see you later!”

Mrs. Cole: “By Taylor!”

The next day, Taylor started making some trains and tracks while Bryant watched her work on it.

“Try stacking these blocks Bryant!”, exclaimed Taylor.

Bryant took the blocks and stacked them up exactly like Taylor.

“Nice job Bryant you did amazing!”

Taylor kept on teaching Bryant new things every day until one day…