What makes you grow!

I was talking to a Doctor the other day. I was talking to my friend and generally we were discussing being healthy, exercising etc.. That’s what normally everyone talks after having a beer or two and some pushing some tasty fried food down the throat. Well at least that what “most of the people I know” do it any way.

One of the guys said he is exercising regularly but still he hasn’t seen any difference in his muscle tone. So the Doctor friend who was curiously listening and who himself is quite a well-built, asked my friend about how he exercises. One of the question he asked was quite interesting. His question was “Do you ever get sour after exercising?” To that my friend responded, “Ah! No… I don’t want to get in to wrestling or body building”.

My Doctor friend asked him quite a simple question. He said, that when he was studying medicine he had to study a lot and sometimes it was very stressful and it was a lot of hard work. He said, I am sure everyone who gains had to take pains.

So, wouldn’t that be true with businesses and organizations as well. If the businesses and organizations don’t extend themselves beyond their comfort zone, there wouldn’t be pain and therefore there wouldn’t be gain.

Well…. does it therefore mean that if you have only fun, you wouldn’t gain as much? Well then it goes contrary to the belief of our Foundation!

Not really…. but let me talk about it in my next post!


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It’s nice to be able to write. Well…. it would be nicer to have someone read it. We at OREXIAN FOUNDATION let our imagination wander and share what we can. So welcome expressing yourself in the areas of Fictions…. Science Fictions or otherwise or just share your life experiences with us.

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